Curriculum @ Inspiration
The Inspiration curriculum aims to meet the needs of learners in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 with SEMH difficulties and other complex needs. The amount of time a learner stays at our short term provision will depend on their needs and these are reviewed with parents/carers and schools every 6 weeks during their stay with us.
The curriculum needs to be highly engaging, flexible and open to personalisation. iCollege has chosen to follow the National Curriculum using a thematic approach.
The themes have been selected as vehicles through which to deliver the foundation subjects ensuring breath and balance and no narrowing of the curriculum. Learners will follow a four year rolling programme of termly topics encompassing years 1-6 of the National Curriculum.
Topics will be broad enough to act as a vehicle to deliver the foundations subjects underpinned by a SEMH curriculum focusing on meeting the emotional and mental health needs of the learners.
The curriculum will be delivered through six learning areas.
Outdoor learning and the use of outside providers will further enrich the learning experience increasing engagement and meaning.